There are many factors that influence sleep, and the layout and decoration of the bedroom is one of them. Here are 7 tips that can make your bedroom the palace of sleep!
Tip #1: Orient your bed as quietly as possible (avoid the street or the laundry room), at a distance from a door or a window (feeling of insecurity) and place your bed so that you can access it from all sides.
Tip #2: Separate spaces, so avoid making your bedroom a catch-all room and favor objects that help you relax (plaid, carpet).
Tip #3: Adopt a streamlined decor by avoiding accumulating piles of objects and closing closets to reduce the feeling of clutter.
Tip #4: Choose warm, soft materials such as wood, white and beige and avoid metal and sad colors.
Tip #5: Ban electronic devices (television, computer, game console) that are distracting when you fall asleep.
Tip #6: Invest in a comfortable mattress and bed linen (ergonomic pillow, comforter adapted to the season).
Tip #7: Have a suitable light, not too aggressive. Avoid large chandeliers and sleep in complete darkness.