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Snoring is a common condition that can be bothersome for the person who snores and their surroundings.

While snoring is often seen as a benign sleep issue, it can be a sign of a more serious health problem, such as sleep apnea.


 The different types of snoring

Snoring can be classified based on its frequency and intensity, which can help assess its severity and impact on sleep quality. 

  • Occasional snoring : it occurs from time to time, perhaps due to fatigue, a cold, or excessive alcohol consumption. Occasional snoring is generally not a serious health issue and can be treated by adopting good sleep habits, such as sleeping on the side or avoiding alcohol before bed. 
  • Moderate snoring : this type of snoring is more frequent and may be louder. It can be caused by factors such as obesity, regular alcohol consumption, or a specific sleep position. Moderate snoring can be an indicator of an increased risk of sleep apnea, especially if accompanied by other symptoms such as breathing pauses during sleep.
  • Chronic snoring : it's frequent and intense, occurring almost every night. Chronic snoring is often a symptom of sleep apnea, which is a potentially dangerous disorder that can lead to serious medical complications if left untreated. 


snoring, sleep apnea and normal breathing differences

Oral snoring and nasal snoring

Two types of snoring can be distinguished :

  • Nasal snoring : the obstruction is located in the upper part of the airways, namely the nose and sinuses. People who snore through their nose often have issues with nasal congestion or allergies that lead to an obstruction of nasal airways. This type of snoring is lighter and softer than oral snoring because the upper part of the airways is narrower. 
  • Oral snoring : the obstruction is in the lower part of the airways, namely the mouth and throat. Oral snoring is often louder and more intense than nasal snoring because the lower part of the airways is wider, allowing a greater volume of air to pass through the vibrating soft tissues that produce the sound of snoring. 



Snoring can be caused by several factors, some of which are modifiable and others are not. Here are some possible causes of snoring :

  • Throat anatomy

Some people naturally have a narrower throat, which can lead to snoring. This can be due to enlarged tonsils or a large soft palate, a stuffy nose, or excessive fatty tissue around the throat.  


  • Airway obstruction

Snoring can be caused by an obstruction in the airways, such as when the soft tissue in the throat vibrates during breathing. This can be due to nasal congestion, allergies or sinusitis.


  • Lifestyle habits

Certain lifestyle habits can contribute to snoring. For example, smoking irritate the airways and can lead to snoring. Similarly, alcohol and certain medications relax the throat muscles and can cause snoring. Sleeping on the back can also be a cause as it causes the tongue and soft tissue in the throat to fall backward into the mouth, obstructing the airways. 


  • Sleep disorders

Such as sleep apnea, can be the underlying cause of snoring. This disorder is characterized by breathing pauses during sleep, which can result in loud snoring.


snoring causes



Snoring is characterized by a noise produced by the vibrations of throat tissues during sleep. The most common symptoms associated with snoring are :

  • Loud snoring

Snoring can range from mild to severe, depending on the cause and severity of the issue.


  • Breathing interruptions during sleep

This can manifest as breathing pauses or noisy, wheezing breaths.


  • Frequent awakenings

People who snore can experience frequent awakenings during the night, which affects their sleep quality and energy levels the following day.


  • Morning fatigue

Poor sleep quality caused by snoring lead to fatigue and daytime drowsiness.


  • Irritability

Irritability and restlessness may occur in people who snore. 



Solutions and natural remedies

Fortunately, there are several solutions to alleviate snoring and improve sleep quality.

  • Lifestyle changes

Certain lifestyle habits can contribute to snoring, such as smoking, alcohol consumption, or certain medications, eating heavy meals in the evening, or sleeping on the back. By modifying these habits, it's possible to reduce or eliminate snoring.


  • Weight loss

Excess weight contribute to snoring by creating an excess of fatty tissue around the throat. Therefore, weight loss help alleviate snoring by reducing the amount of fatty tissue in that area.


  • Throat exercises

There are several throat exercises that can help strengthen the throat muscles and reduce snoring. For example, you can try making "o" shapes with your mouth and hold them open for 10 seconds each time. You can also try pronouncing the letters "a", "e", "i", "o" and "u" while pressing your tongue against the palate for 10 seconds each time. These exercises can be performed daily.


  • Inclined pillow

An inclined pillow helps reduce snoring and sleep apnea by keeping your head elevated, thereby preventing your tongue and other tissues from blocking your airways. MedCline devices provide the necessary incline, support and comfort throughout the night, naturally limiting snoring


medcline pillow to reduce snoring
  • Drink eucalyptus tea

Eucalyptus has many benefits, such as decongesting the respiratory system and mucous membranes. This can help alleviate snoring if you drink this tea before bedtime.


  • Medical treatment

In some cases, snoring is caused by underlying health issue, such as sleep apnea. In such cases, medical treatment may be necessary to alleviate snoring. For example, the use of a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) device can help keep the airways open during sleep and reduce snoring. 

Note that each person is unique, and what works for one person may not be effective for another. 


Wrapping up

It's important to note that snoring can be a sign of more serious health issues, such as sleep apnea. If you or your partner experience frequent or severe snoring, it's recommended to consult a doctor to evaluate the cause and receive the most appropriate solutions for your situation.






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