During pregnancy, many women experience joint and muscle pain as part of their daily routine. The physiological and hormonal changes that come withĀ the baby's development cause discomfort in various parts of the body. From lower back to hips, from knees to shoulders, this pain can considerably affect pregnant women's quality of life.
In this article, we'll explore in detail the main causes of this pain, the areas of the body most frequently affected, and the relief measures that can help expectant mothers get through this period more comfortably.
Due to the many changes the body undergoes during pregnancy, joint and muscle pain can occur in several areas of the body.
Lower back is one of the most common areas where pregnant women experience pain. Postural changes and weight gain put pressure on the lumbar spine, leading to pain and muscle tension. During pregnancy, a woman can gain up to 25% of her body mass in extra weight.
Joint pain in hips is also common during pregnancy. Relaxin, a hormone produced during pregnancy, can cause the ligaments around the hips to relax, leading to joint instability and pain.
Some pregnant women may experience pain in the pubic area, a condition known as symphysis pubis. This occurs when the pubic joints become too loose, causing pain and discomfort in the pubic area.
Knees are also prone to pain during pregnancy, particularly due to the pressure exerted by the extra weight and changes in posture. Pain can be felt in the front of the knee or on the sides.
Muscle tension in shoulders and neck is generally due to poor posture, increased tension in the supporting muscles and postural changes during pregnancy.
When pregnant, some women experience pain or swelling in their ankles and feet due to water retention and pressure exerted by their weight.
During pregnancy, joint and muscle pain is caused by the many physiological and hormonal changes taking place in the expanding body of the mother-to-be. Exploring the various causes of this pain, as well as the symptoms commonly associated with it, provides a better understanding of the challenges that pregnant women can face.
During pregnancy, woman's body produces a hormone called relaxin. Its main role is to relax the ligaments and joints in preparation for childbirth. Relaxin helps to soften the joints in the pelvis, making it easier for the baby to pass through during delivery. However, this relaxation of the ligaments can lead to joint instability and pain, particularly around the hips, lower back and knees.
It's normal to gain weight to supportĀ the baby's growth. However, this extra weight puts extra pressure on body's joints and muscles. Weight-bearing joints such as the hips, knees and ankles can be particularly affected. This increased pressure can lead to joint and muscle pain and discomfort.
The body undergoes significant postural changes to adapt to the growth of the uterus and the weight of the baby during pregnancy. A woman can gain up to 25% of her body mass in extra weight, implying a change in posture to maintain balance. The centre of gravity shifts forward as the uterus enlarges, causing the lower back to tilt backwards (lumbar lordosis). This change in posture causes muscle tension and joint pain, particularly in the lower back.
Some pregnant women can develop iliotibial band syndrome, also known as hip syndrome. This condition is characterised by pain on the outside of the thigh and knee. It is often caused by excessive strain on the iliotibial band, a tendon that runs from the hip to the knee. Postural changes, extra weight and repetitive movements can contribute to the development of this condition.
During pregnancy, the expanding uterus exerts pressure on adjacent nerves, giving rise to nerve pain. Sciatica pain is one of the most common problems resulting from compression of the sciatic nerve. It is characterized by pain that radiates down the leg, from the buttock to the foot. Nerve compression can also cause other localised nerve pains in different parts of the body.
By understanding the common causes and symptoms of joint and muscle pain during pregnancy, pregnant women can better prepare themselves to cope with these discomforts. Fortunately, there are relieving measures and strategies that can be put in place to alleviate this pain and improve overall well-being during this special time of life.
When it comes to relieving joint and muscle pain in pregnant women, there are a number of measures that can be taken to alleviate these unpleasant aches and pains.
Proper posture is essential for relieving joint and muscle pain. It is advisable to avoid standing or sitting in the same position for long periods, and not to sleep on your stomach or back. During pregnancy, sleeping on your left side and inclined helps to improve blood circulation to the baby and the organs, as well as preventing unpleasant and painfulĀ acid reflux. The MedClineĀ Reflux Relief SystemĀ is the perfectĀ partner for maintaining this position doctor-recommended and providing all the comfort and support that pregnant women need.
Consulting a healthcare professional, such as a physiotherapist specialised in pregnancy, can be beneficial for specific recommendations on muscle-strengthening exercises suitable for pregnancy. These exercises help to strengthen the muscles that support the joints, thereby reducing pain. Gentle stretching can also help relieve muscle tension. For example, you can lightly tone the deep abdominal muscles by trying to pull the navel inwards while standing. Alternatively, placing one foot on a small bench in front of you when you have to stand for long periods (when doing the washing-up, for example) helps to reduce tension in the lower back. You should also avoid lifting heavy loads.
Having a support pillow is a great help in relieving pressure on joints and muscles. For example, a pregnancy pillow can be placed between the legs during sleep, helping to align the spine correctly and reduce muscle and joint tension. The MedCline therapeutic body pillow is the idealĀ partner for pregnancy. Its J shape provides support for the whole body, from the neck to the ankles, while offering optimal comfort for both mother and baby, even after giving birth.
Applying hot or cold compressesĀ on painful areas can provide appreciable relief. A hot compress helps to improve blood circulation, relax muscles and soothe pain. A cold compress, on the other hand, reduces inflammation and numbs pain. It is important to follow the appropriate instructions for using hot or cold compresses during pregnancy, by asking aĀ doctor or pharmacist.
Opting for comfortable, well-fitting shoes is crucial to reducing joint and muscle pain. High heels should be avoided, as they can accentuate postural imbalances and increase pain.
In some cases, additional treatment options may be recommended by a healthcare professional. These may include physiotherapy sessions to relieve pain, prenatal massages adapted to pregnancy or even alternative pain relief techniques, such as acupuncture. It is important to consult a healthcare professional to discuss these options and determine which are best for each woman's situation.
PregnancyĀ includes big changes for a woman's body, and joint and muscle pain is a common reality for many mums-to-be. Fortunately, there are stepsĀ pregnant womenĀ can take to relieve this pain and improveĀ theirĀ well-being during this important period. By maintaining good posture, practicing gentle exercises, using a supportive pillow and seeking complementary treatments, pregnant women can find some relief. However, every pregnancy is unique, and it is essential to consult a healthcare professional for advice tailored to each situation. With the right support and care, joint and muscle pain can be managed, allowing mums-to-be to concentrate on the wonderful journey of motherhood.