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Dreams and nightmares occur at night, during a specific stage of the sleep cycle. They result from thehuman brain, processing emotions, memories and experiences. Even though, some scientists still believe that they are simply the spin-off of slumber, many studies prove thatdreams and nightmares call for a deeper meaning. While many of us do not pay attention to oursleeping position, the latter could have a significant impact on what our dreams and nightmares are made of. 



  • What are dreams?  
  • Why do we dream?  
  • What about nightmares?  
  • The different sleeping position: meaning and impact on the quality of sleep  
  • How to ensure a good night’s sleep?  
  • Conclusion  
Woman sleeping peacefully


What are dreams?

Dreams are the result of the human brain, processing emotions, memories and experiences. They are created by4 different regions in our brain 

  • the visuospatial part: situated in the back of the brain  
  • the motor cortex: the hippocampus that plays an important role with memory 
  • the amygdala and the singular cortexthat are the center of profound emotions and are active up until 30% during the REM phase of sleep. 

Most of our dreams take place during theREM (rapid eye movement) stage of sleep. It corresponds to the second half of the normal sleeping period, and it tends to be a few hours before waking up.  

It represents20% of our total sleep. Even though, dreaming can occur during the NREM (non-rapid eye movement) phase, dreams are more intense in the REM stage.  


Why do we dream?

Although scientists agree on the nature of dreams, the reason fortheir existence is still debatedamongst them.  

The first hypothesis is linked tomemory. Dreams may help build up our memory by recalling information that happened during the day and transforming it into a new subconscious experience. It can alsohelp with creativity and to solve problems 

In 2009, a study showed that it was more efficient to solve a problem in a two-day period. Indeed, on the first day the people being tested were incapable of understanding the assignment. However, after sleeping and therefore dreaming, they were able to accomplish what was asked of them.  

The second possibility is linked toemotions. Because dreams can sometimes be very disturbing and strange, some scientists believe they are linked to the emotions we felt during an experience or a specific moment.  

Dreaming could also bea way for the brain to clean up all the information we acquired during our life and mostly of the previous day. This process would have the power to help us remember events that are important and joyful as well as forget our traumas and suffering memories. It would play the role of a therapist, helping the individual survive through difficult times. As a matter of fact, the stress molecule also called noradrenalin is completely absent while dreaming. Therefore, replaying traumatic experiences subconsciously without the stress related to them, could indeedhelp the individual get over his fear.  


Man sleeping peacefully


 What about nightmares?

A nightmare is a type of dream. However, nightmares cause a person towake up from their sleep because of what they are dreaming about. Theimages can be frightening resulting in terror, fear, distress or anxiety. It isa way for the brain to cope with daily stress and traumas.  

Nightmares tend to occur during the REM phase when it is lengthened. To the contrary of dreams, nightmares aremore common if you have mental disorders, such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia or PTSD.  


Woman screaming with fear

The different sleeping position: meaning and impact on the quality of sleep  

4 main sleeping positions exist and each one of them can have an impact on the contents of your dreams and nightmares.  

  • The supine position 

It corresponds to lying on your backwith your arms resting on the side or on your chest. It can be recommended by health professionals. Indeed, it is a position where the spine and the neck are aligned which can enhancerelaxation and reduce back pain. However, it may lead tosnoring and to respiratory issues. This sleeping position is associated withvivid and intense dreams but not nightmares.  

  •  The lateral position 

It can be on the left or the right side, and is thebest set up for pregnant women as it improves blood circulation as well as reduces acid reflux. However, based on the side you chose the outcomes may be different. Some claim thatthe left side could increase nightmares, andthe right side could be linked to pleasant dreams, but these phenomena differ a lot from one individual to another. 

  • The prone position  

Also called thestomach sleeper, it can strain your neck and lower back because of the twisted alignment. This layout is linked tomore intense emotions and can potentially lead to nightmares. This is due to theimportant pressure applied on the body that might stimulate brain areas responsible for deep and violent emotions.  

  • The fetal position 

This is characterized by curling up on one side, with your legs toward the chest and arms wrapped around. It generally creates afeeling of comfort as it can refer to the fetus’s posture during pregnancy. 


How to ensure a good night’s sleep?  

For each of these sleeping layouts,area and pressure on the body can lead to different dream outcomes.To ensure a good night’s sleep, it is recommended touse comfortable and adapted mattresses and pillows. MedCline considers these elements by maintaining body alignment, especially spine and neck alignment, avoiding joint pain while allowing side sleeping without putting extra pressure on the body, thanks to Relief Systems featuring a patented arm pocket. 

MedCline has designed3 sleep solutions: 

  • The Therapeutic Body Pillow: composed of shredded memory foam filling which can be customized for your own body, it ensures a good body alignment and avoids joint pain when sleeping on your side, while offering absolute comfort. 
  • The Reflux Relief System: created to relieve acid reflux at night. This three-component system has been designed to create and maintain the doctor-recommended sleep position: on the left-side and inclined as a 15° to 20° angle to eliminate nighttime reflux. 
  • The Shoulder Relief System: also a three-component system created for chronic shoulder pain relief, it allows side-sleeping without putting extra pressure on your arm and shoulder thanks to a patented arm pocket included in the inclined wedge.  

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Woman sleeping peacefully on Medcline Therapeutic Body Pillow


Woman sleeping peacefully on Medcline Reflux Relief System Pillow


Man sleeping peacefully on Medcline Shoulder Relief System Pillow



Dreams and nightmares are still anunsettled subject in the scientific world. However, many studies have been done, proving the effect of sleeping positions, body pressure, spinal alignment and comfort on the dreaming process and the quality of sleep. It is important not to neglect your slumber and dreaming time, as they are essential for processing emotions, information and healing traumatic experiences of your life.   


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